Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chemical Reactions and Heat Lab Investigation

In this lab we had to figure out how how heat would affect chemical reactions.  The chemical reaction that was used in this lab was alka-seltzer and water.  Once the alka-seltzer is mixed with water it begins to bubble and dissolve.  Our stages of temperature to preform the chemical reactions in were hot which was about fifty degrees Celsius, room temperature which was about 24.3 degrees Celsius, and then cold which was about three degrees celsius.
        When we preformed the chemical reaction in hot water it seemed to end fairly fast.  The reaction ended in a bout twenty three seconds.  This seemed like a fast reaction, because in past history I have used alka-seltzer.
        Next, we did the room temperature test.  The room temperature water was about twenty-four degrees Celsius.  When we dropped in the alka-seltzer tablet we realized that this was a slower reaction.  The time was about thirty-nine seconds.
        The last test, was the cold temperature test.  The water was roughly three degrees Celsius.  The way we made the temperature of the water colder was by putting ice cubes in it.  We made the temperature even out by stirring the water for about sixty seconds.  The reaction was the slowest out of the tests.  It took about one minute and fifty-seven seconds.

The temperature over the course of the whole lab is shown below:

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